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IMPORTANT: All information contained on this website is for educational purposes only. None of this information should be construed as medical or treatment advice for any specific person or condition. Cannabis has not been analyzed or approved by the FDA, and there is limited information on the side effects of using cannabis as a medication. You should always consult a licensed physician in all matters related to your health.
The Serene vape pen which has a 5:1 ratio of CBD to THC, is my go-to when I’m needing immediate relief.
—Maura Vega
My medical cannabis journey began when it was finally approved in my state. As someone who has always taken a more holistic approach to healing, I was waiting for the chance to try medical cannabis for anxiety that has plagued me for most of my life.
I was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression after giving birth to my second son and was put on anti-depressants. These helped me get through that season of life, however, it came with side effects that were not enjoyable.
In the past, I had also tried other forms of anti-anxiety medications but those often left me feeling sedated and sleepy. Now I can finally have relief from anxiety without all the side effects. The Zen tincture is my go-to daytime formula; the 1:4 ratio of CBD to THC, and the terpene profile, makes me feel calm and happy without feeling sleepy or tired.
The Serene vape pen which has a 5:1 ratio of CBD to THC, is my go-to when I’m needing immediate relief. For me, this product helps ease anxiety without the strong psychoactive effects that may get in the way of productivity. I’m so grateful to have found relief using natural plant medicine.
Many others are also turning to medical cannabis to treat various conditions with great success. Find out if medical cannabis is right for you.